Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bye by Carine

El pasado viernes saltaba la noticia bomba a través de la propia web de Vogue París. Su directora Carine Roitfield abandonaba la revista para "embarcarse en algo más".

Los primero rumores la situaban otra vez como colaboradora de Tom Ford, con el que ya trabajó en Gucci y en YSL, pero fue rápidamente desmentido por el diseñador.

Pero rápidamente empezaron a saltar las  "teorías conspirativas"  que explicaban qué había pasado realmente: Carine había sido despedida.

¿Los motivos? Rumores circulan varios: uno de ellos vincula la salida a un conflicto con LVHM, que pretendían "encargarse" de realizar en codiciado número de diciembre, y que según cuentan los miembros de Vogueleaks a Bernard Arnault le disgustaron profundamente algunos de los contenidos de ese número, en especial el editorial de las niñas. Era un secreto a voces que los jefes no veía últimamente con buenos ojos sus "trabajos externos" como consultora (verdadera fuente de ingresos de las voguettes del mundo) que culminó en el vergonzoso asunto del blacklisteo de Balenciaga  (que al parecer estaban hartos de que cada una de sus colecciones fuese examinada con lupa en los talleres de Max Mara, firma en la que Carine ejerce como consultora). Por si esto fuese poco también se la acusó de no ser imparcial en su labor como jurado en el premio ANDAM al entregar el premio al diseñador turco Hakaan.

Está claro que los diez años que separan estas dos portadas (la primera y la última de Carine) han supuesto un cambio en el mundo de la moda, y aunque la revista ya no era lo que había sido, a pesar de que el último número con Ford a mi me encanta.

Como siempre en estos casos, se barajan distintos nombres para la sucesión tanto de dentro de la revista como de fuera. Sea quien sea, tendrá una difícil tarea ya que a pesar de todo, la Roitfeld ha sabido imprimir su propio sello a la revista.

Friday, December 17, 2010

New Vintage collection

Pilati, además de cumplir con todas las fechas del calendario oficial de la moda: Primavera/Verano, Otoño/Invierno, Pre-Fall y Resort, ha añadido dos nuevas propuestas fuera del calendario: su colección Unisex y la llamada New Vintage, cuya tercera colección se ha puesto hoy, 17 de diciembre, a la venta en tres de su boutiques: Londres (173-176 Sloane Street), Nueva York (3 East 57th Street) y por supuesto París (38 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré).

Esta nueva colección cápsula, bautizada con dos palabras aparentemente contradictorias parte del concepto de sostenibilidad y reciclaje tan en voga en estos tiempos de ecología y crisis (porqué no reconocerlo) y reutiliza restos de telas de colecciones pasadas, y anteriores a la etapa de Tom Ford en la marca, es decir utilizadas por el propio Yves, para recrear piezas clásicas del archivo de YSL tras pasar por el filtro de Stefano Pilati, con la particularidad de que las prendas pertenecen a una edición limitada, numerada y única.

La primera de estas colecciones, lanzada en junio de 2009 se vendió en exclusiva en Barneys. La segunda y gracias al éxito obtenido por la propuesta se repitió seis meses después. Aunque esta vez ya en las tiendas de YSL, concretamente en las tres mencionadas anteriormente.

En un momento en el que la palabra vintage está absolutamente desprestigiada me parece una buena forma de ponerla en valor.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

El denominador común se llama YSL

A finales de año, meses después de que los desfiles de primavera-verano para el 2011 hayan terminado, y con el Pre-Fall ya cayendo, me decido a analizar el denominador de mis dos colecciones favoritas para el próximo verano: la poderosa influencia de YSL.

Gucci repasa en único desfile diferentes clásicos del diseñador: el smoking, el colorido, África, Marruecos,...

Por cierto, que  Van Noten o Dsquared² también han buceado en sus smokings y el estilo masculino en la próxima temporada.

Marc Jacobs (sorprendentemente mi otra colección favorita) puede parecer a primera vista que ha bebido más de las fuentes de Missoni o Jodie Foster en Taxi Driver para inspirarse,  pero hay mucho más YSL del que puede apreciarse a primera vista.

Yves Saint Laurent fue quizás el diseñador más copiado e icónico mientras vivió. Parece que tras su muerte, y probablemente gracias a las exposiciones realizadas en su memoria y  documentales que se estrenan estos días, no va a dejar de serlo en el futuro.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

El vídeo del ambicioso

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lady Grey Dior

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Al pan, pan y al vino, vino

Allá por febrero comentaba el lanzamiento en España de Harper's Baazar, y recordaba el eterno sambenito de segundones que tienen y que no se van a quitar jamás mientras sigan participando y patrocinando actividades como la llamada The Shopping Night que organiza el ayuntamiento de Barcelona esta misma noche y que se parece sospechosamente a The Night Out que monta Vogue en diferentes capitales de todo el mundo.

Pero como lo cortés no quita lo valiente hoy quiero recomendaros encarecidamente a todos que por favor sigáis en twitter a Melania Pan (http://twitter.com/melaniapan).

Este twitter es oro puro y podréis conocer sin filtros de ningún tipo las ortografía creativa y libre de la directora de la que se supone que es una de las mejores revistas de moda de España: Harper's Bazaar.

Su refinado vocabulario a la hora de transmitirnos sus sensaciones de primera mano en las pasarelas más importantes del mundo

O el agudo análisis que hace en vivo y en directo de los desfiles en los que está invitada

Además, no podéis (ni debéis) perderos su portentoso estilo cómo fotógrafa, en la que la palabra "desenfocado" toma categoría de arte, de una forma similar a lo que consiguió Joao Gilberto al convertir su "Desafinado" en algo tierno y cercano perdiendo esa connotación negativa.

Melania, como hija de su tiempo que es, también es bloguera http://www.harpersbazaar.es/ (con su blog gratuito en blogspot como esta menda que os da el coñazo porque no están los tiempos para gastar en un dominio que estamos en crisis).
Pero yo ahí la veo más contenida, la verdad, y es dónde se puede apreciar sus profundos análisis y conocimiento de la industria de la moda y el lujo que a todos nosotros nos vuelve locos, y con un nivel de debate en los comentarios altísimo (que cómo todos sabéis es uno de los aspectos más importantes de cualquier blog que se precie).

Recordad el nombre: Melania Pan. Dará mucho que hablar. Ya lo veréis.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Anrol Anthony Executive Dean

Our Campus Address and Direction:

Wow Our University of Classic W/ Style are way way booked I have lots on the waiting list for our coming January's Class.

We would like to thank you all from all the support that we are getting from all of you and thanks to all our Executive trainers here they are just awesome.

We have to add another sims for our school since our University is getting so big.  Everymonth we have lots of new students that are always amaze how CWS are so well organized.

We thank you all!
Simply The Best!
Anrol Anthony
Steve101 McCullough

Take a look of all the great comments from our graduate students.

Prior to coming to CWS, I went to a modeling school, cause of it's fee.  I learned very basic runway rules and techniques and AO poses and  moves.  I also came to a show here and was chosen to be in a film...very exciting moment.  Through that I met DebbieDoo, you, and Steve.  Debbie and I hit it off right away and continued talking... so when I went to my first casting I called her for support.  She came to the casting call... and talked in IM with me.  She said that I wasn't ready, despite the fact I had graduated from an Agency.  She strongly suggested CWS.  I joined the CWS groups, and even the Ms. Hawaii 2011 contest, my first photo contest in sl.   Then someone im'd me and said, you are in the CWS agency?  And I said I'm considering it... and they said not to do it.  They said I would be just fooled into thinking I was learning how to be a model is sl.  So, I joined the UCWS just to see... I don't like sour grapes (American term meaning bad gossip because someone didn't do well) I like to see for myself.  WELL I am GLAD I did!!  Yes it is a bit demanding... and yes, it does require putting sl before rl or at least finding a way to make both work.  And yes, it is as serious as any online course could be, despite the fact that is in a so-called game.  BUT, it is worth it.  And, since SL  is an immersed society... it is as real as any online learning environment.  So, this school fit that standard.  I took it serious.  I'm glad the instructors did as well.  I am glad I met fellow classmates who also agreed.  And...I'm glad I didn't listen to whoever that was that had the gull to look in profile, see my group affiliations and offer her unsolicited advise.   Now I can put a positive comment in my profile.... and hopefully share the love I found at UCSW.
Would you recommend this class ? ABSOLUTELY!!  and already have to a few people.
      I am very happy to say I have attended several modeling academy and this that CWS University surpasses them all.  The knowledge gained here is awesome, the why things are presented is great.  The teachers are so willing to help and have great patience.  They understand what I think is important how to be constructive in criticism and how to help you understand a mistake and help you with steps to correct and move on.  I know there are things I still need to master better and I am confident that these ladies will always be here to help.  I come out of mid-terms and look forward to finals with more confidence than when I started class.  This has been a very, very positive experience for me.
Would you recommend this class ?  Yes, definitely.  I have also told several friends how great this university is and if they are looking for any place to take classes this is the place.
Chloe Panthar

OMG... What can I say, except it was the best thing it happened to me.  I am four times graduated, and in the so-called  best academies in SL.  So-called, yes, cause they teach nothing compared to CWS.  In CWS I am learning to gain confidence,  the most important thing for an aspirant.  No other academy will teach how to have a blog nor how to use an AO properly.  In summary -- CWS is incomparable.  Period.
 Would you recommend this class ?  Of course, and that is what I did to my good friend Chloe... lol... who now is beating me fast!
 Flora Stipe

It was amazingggg i loved every second. Trainers are awesome, acessible, friendly and verry professional.
They teach verry well not in rush, always with enough time to teach us, even after classes if it's need. That's great. Makes us feel more confident.
Would you recommend this class ?
Sureee I went to some fashion show in other places with the girls, and i got surprised how good we are comparing with professional models, and we still are students. If we are becoming a great models that means that the trainers were prefect :)
Izadora Pelazzi

The whole experience is amazing.  The time was tight and the entire course was fast pace but it's a good way to help us to learn about time management and how to balance ourselves with RL and SL.  I learned some new tricks and knowledge in SL modelling, photography, and have made new friends. What was really amazing , we worked as a team, helped each other out and practiced together, the result was great. I have never played an online game with all girls in a group and worked so amazingly well together, it really impressed me and this is an incrediable experience.  Thank you very much for the opportunity for having me in the class, I really appreciate all the knowledge I learn, new or old (good for review), the great time in class, and the inspiration of striking to be the best in any aspect on SL and even in RL.
 Would you recommend this class ?
 Meimei Shiu

DebbieDoo TigerFish COO

barbies4151 Resident Class of November from California

UCWS Students

Vicky Yongbo Executive Model Trainer

Layla Lecker Executive Model Trainer/VP CWS Public Affair & UCWS VP

Lisana Rossen Executive Model Trainer/VP in CWS Model Show

HarmonySelector Resident Class of November from NZ

Fiona Clouding Class of November From Australia

DebTurner Resident Class of November from UK

Chloe Panthar Class of November From Pennsylvania

chloe Enersly Class of November from Indiana

Brianna Carpenter Class of November from Texas

lilmama Artis Class of November from Washington

Lillysnape Resident Class of November from California

Lei Hanfoi Class of November from Australia

UCWS: Schedule Class:

Please Review the Revised Class Schedule..
Student's must wear your group tag when they are  on campus or you will be ejected.
No ex students are allowed to sit to any classes unless they have a permission from me.
Please accept my invitation from a group Famous Celebrity.  You must be in this group to get your student's ID

Students Enrolled For November 2011
Check out Blogs for accurate Schedule

Class Schedule
Reminder Students: please make sure to attend this important day.
==Student Orientation==Please allow 2 to 3 hours for this day.
=Sunday  November 6th  at  1:00 pm /slt
All staff and students must be present for this day.

Anrol Anthony UCWS Dean will discuss the following:
➤Introduction to CWS
➤What is a model
➤Introduction of CWS Executive Trainers
➤Students Evaluation: Trainers will evaluate the students’ shapes and skins and provide instructions to have a model shape.

=Student must be present: Laylah will Announce:
 Lisana will take notes.
 Debbie will supervise
Tiffani and Vicky will guide students back stage and direct them on where to go.

Today at 1:00 pm/slt is your first day of Class I expect everyone to be here.. Attendance is very important so if u cant make it Please let the UCWS staff knows.. Tp here to your class    http://slurl.com/secondlife/Simply%20The%20Best/166/216/27

=====First Semester=====
The first 7 days of Class, You will need to learn all about runway
=====First Semester=====
Monday November 7th, 2011

Time:  2:00 pm/slt by    Vicky Yongbo
Time:   8:00 pm/slt by Tiffani Celestalis
Reminder 2 Classes Today:  Please attend morning or evening class.

Class description:
➤Let them buy some discount poses back stage
➤ Show them how to use in world poses and have them practice it on stage.
➤show them how to walk on stage, not using camera yet.
➤ Learn Basic (Styling Event) formation using poses in world
Make sure they all learn basic formation first. Using in world poses. They need to learn this perfectly first.
 ( including on how to do their styling description on stage)  Do not show them how to use huddles yet.

➤ Fill in pageant application and turn in to Steve101 McCullough in order to compete in styling events.
➤ Give them a note where to buy the huddlez so they can be ready for tomorrow's class

Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions trainers will assume you understand what was covered.

=====First Semester=====
Reminder 2 Classes Today:  Please attend morning or evening class
=Tuesday November 8th, 2011
Time: 11:30 am/slt by  Lisana Rossen
Time: 8:00 pm/slt By  Tiffani Celestalis
Bring students in our field and let them boost themselves up on the air

➤ Never be a cloud anymore by using different tools
➤Show them how to use character test~ never be a ruthed anymore
➤ Posing 101:Inworld poses and default stands
➤ Walking straight on the runway
➤ Practice their poses in world
➤ Review Basic Styling Event Formation.

Purchase styling event poses and EZ huddlez give them a landmark where to get it.
Review copy of Beach formation. Have them watch the fashion show today so they can see formation in action.

Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions trainers will assume you understand what was covered.
=====First Semester=====
Reminder : You have a class today.
=Wednesday  November 9, 2011
Time: 12:00 noon/slt by DebbieDoo Tigerfish
Time: 3:00 pm/slt L DebbieDoo Tigerfish

➤Check make sure everyone has their own huddles and ao's
➤ Review  each one about installing huddlez and ao
➤ How To Check ARC and Lag issues
➤ More huddles installation
➤ Review each student by demonstrating in front of you on how to install her/her huddlez

Tell Them to watch Styling event on Monday so they will have some ideas when they will join.

Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions trainers will assume you understand what was covered.

=====First Semester=====
Thursday  November 10 , 2011
Reminder 2 Classes Today:
Please attend morning or evening class.
Time: 2:00 pm/slt   Vicky Yongbo
Time: 6:00 pm/slt By  Laylah Lecker

➤ How To Check ARC and Lag issues
➤ Making folders to do a quick change
➤Make sure each students will know full knowledge of this before finishing the class today.

Tell them to get ready to attend the styling  on Tuesday night to experience to be on our styling event. Make sure to give them an application if they are not active to our contest yet.

Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions trainers will assume you understand what was covered.

Reminder 2 Classes Today:  Please attend morning or evening class.
=Friday   November 11, 2011
Time: 1:00 pm/slt by Lisana Rossen
Time:  8:00 pm/slt By  Tiffani Celestalis
and taby to continue the training

➤ Timing on the runway
➤ Learn Beach formation
➤ Install mandatory  new beach poses
➤check each student to make sure they know how to use huddles by now.
Make sure to let them concentrate just doing beach formation including the bio formation

Paticipate in Styling Event tonight
Practice Beach Formation and make sure they have the mandatory poses for beach formation so by next week they will be expert on it.

Please ask Question:
If you dont ask any questions we will assume you understand what the trainer had just covered.


Saturday  November 12, 2011
Reminder 2 Classes Today:
Please attend morning or evening class.
Time: 11:30 am/slt by Lisana Rossen
Time: 6: 00 pm/slt By  Tiffani Celestalis

➤  Be fierce! Creating pose sequences
➤  Review: Default Stands and Individual Poses
➤  Practice Dome Formation
➤  Review: Timing on the Runway

Find and install poses for Dome formation, send the note to each student so they can be ready tomorrow to do the dome formation with poses ready.
Participate in styling show in order to gain experience on the runway

Please ask Question:
If you dont ask any questions we will assume you understand what the trainer had just covered.
=====end of  1st Semester=====

Reminder 2 Classes Today:  Please attend morning or evening class.
=Sunday  November 13 , 2011
Time: 1:00 pm/slt Vicky Yongbo ~

Time: 6:00 pm/slt by  Laylah Lecker

➤ Reveiw each students to make sure they have mandatory poses for Dome runway
➤ Master Dome formation with mandatory
➤Using camera on stage while walking:
 Review: Cam and Movement Controls

Get ready for Friday's styling event: Have them attend your basic training to get ready to be on styling event
Review copy of Dome formation:

Please ask Question:
If you dont ask any questions we will assume you understand what the trainer had just covered.
2nd Week of School All about Blogging and Runway Practice
=====Second Semester=====
Monday   November 14, 2011
Reminder 2 Classes Today:
Please attend morning or evening class.

Practice Dome Formation w/  Lisana Rossen
Time: 11:30 am/slt

Time: 3:00 pm/slt by Laylah Lecker
Time: 8:00 pm/slt By  Tiffani Celestalis

➤ How to create a blog: step by step guidance
➤ Blog gadgets
➤ Writing blog posts and connecting with readers
➤ How to upload a sl picture to blog

Blog Saturday Fashion show's   Show on Saturday at 3pm.
Begin blogging all CWS events, and compete for the best blogger  winner to win 1000L.

Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions trainers will assume you understand what was covered.


=====Second Semester=====
Tuesday  ~  November 15 , 2011
Reminder 2 Classes Today:  Please attend morning or evening class.
Time: 2:00 pm
Free practice ~ Dome with Vicky Yongbo

Time: 3:00 pm/slt by  Tiffani Celestalis
Time:  7:00 pm/slt By Tiffani Celestalis

Blogging continuation:
➤Teach them on how to make a Bio and Resume
➤ Long Bio and Short Bio
➤ Review how to upload pictures from SL to blog
➤ How to create slideshows for blog with Picasa Web Albums

Tell them to get their Long and short bio ready with their close up and full body picture enclose in the note bio

Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions, trainers will assume you understand what was covered.

=====Second Semester=====
Reminder 2 Classes Today:  Please attend morning or evening class.
=Wednesday November 16, 2011

Time: 2:00 pm/slt by  Vicky Yongbo
Practice students on Beach Formation

Time 3:00 pm/slt Laylah Lecker

Time:   7:00 pm/slt By  Tiffani Celestalis

➤  Blogging
Make sure each students will be great on doing blog
check each work while in class. Make sure all students will have their blog ready.
This is the time to send me the blog addresses for each students so I can review it.

Purchase and install mandatory Dome poses
Participate in Monday's styling to get feedback and scores.

Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions, trainers will assume you understand what was covered.
=====Second Semester=====

Reminder 2 Classes Today:
Please attend morning or evening class.
=Thursday  November 17, 2011

Practice with DebbieDoo Tigerfish  at 11:00 am/slt doing Dome formation

Time: 2:00 pm/slt By  Vicky Yongbo
Time: 6:00 pm/slt by Tiffani Celestalis

➤ Review Huddles operation
➤ Perform Dome formation individually and as a group
➤ Students invite trainers to huddles to perform poses
➤ Mirror Test: Pose Sync

Practice Dome formation
Participate in tonight's styling for feedback and scores

Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions, trainers will assume you understand what was covered.

=====Second Semester=====

Reminder 2 Classes Today:
Please attend morning or evening class.
=Friday November 18, 2011

Time: 3:00 pm/slt by  Laylah Lecker
Time: 7:00 pm/slt By  Tiffani Celestalis

➤ It's all about blogging
➤ Start checking their Blog
Linking their blogs to all CWS Blogs

Tell them to be on the fashion show tomorrow and blog the fashion show and make sure to link their blog to all our blogs in CWS

Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions, trainers will assume you understand what was covered.

=====Second Semester=====
Reminder 2 Classes Today:
Please attend morning or evening class.
=Saturday November 19 , 2011
Time: 10:00 am/slt by  Tiffani Celestalis
Time: 6:00 pm/slt By  Tiffani Celestalis

➤ Show Students how to make a 3rd party Biography in long and short bio.
➤Short bio must be in 5 sentences only.
➤ Review ARC again
➤All  Bio  must be done, Tell them to blog the fashion show  on Saturday and the Ms International Finale on Sunday will be their Midterm.  This will be their Final grade in Blogging

➤All Blogs must be done, Tell them to blog the fashion show  Saturday  and Finale for Ms International on Sunday.  This will be their midterm  grade in Blogging

Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions, trainers will assume you understand what was covered.


=====Second Semester=====
Reminder 2 Classes Today:
Please attend morning or evening class.
=Sunday  November 20 , 2011

Time: 2:00 pm/slt By Lisana Rossen
Time: 6:00 pm/slt  Laylah Lecker

Show them how to be judge in our Styling to get them prepare for ther midterm styling tomorrow night
➤ Basic Formation using poses and decription of their outfit
➤ How to get a good description
➤ Finalize the  Bio for students
➤ Review each bio while in class
➤All Bio must be done, Tell them to make short bio in 5 sentences.

➤All Bio must be done, Tell them to blog the fashion show on Saturday .  This will be their Final grade in Blogging  Give them the lm where to buy VPC that we use for our fashion show.  They will use that when they do the midterm and final with me. Get them ready for styling midterm tomorrow in Styling Sexy Playgirl Playmate Theme.

Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions, trainers will assume you understand what was covered.


Get them Ready for midterm for Today's Styling
Reminder 2 Classes Today:
Please attend morning or evening class.
=Monday  November 21, 2011

Check lists : Make sure they know he following

➤Huddles and AO's Check
➤ARC what to watch for
By Vicky Yongbo
Time: 2:00 pm/slt

➤Formation Styling Practice for Midterm tonight
By Lisana Rossen
Time: 11:30 am/slt

➤Formation Dome
By DebbieDoo Tigerfish
Time: 3:00 pm
➤Formation in styling to prepare them to their midterm tonight

➤ Using of In World poses
➤How to do a quick change
By : Tiffani Celestalis
Time: 6:00 pm/slt

➤ Blogging~check to make sure everyone are done with their blogs
By Laylah Lecker
Time: 8:00 pm/slt


=Tuesday November 22nd ,2011
Check Lists for students to be ready for their midterm tomorrow.

Time:  2:00 pm/slt  by ~  Vicky Yongbo
Time: 12:00 noon/slt by ~ Lisana Rossen
Time:  4:00 pm/slt by DebbieDoo Tigerfish

➤Midterm is today / Character test / never be a cloud again
➤ Practice them the Formation
➤ Make sure they are in ARC requirement
250 for Bikini
350 for Casual
750 for Gown
➤ All Biography note  and blog must be done for grading
➤ Review Dome and Beach Formation
➤Huddlez must be ready for midterm tomorrow
Remind Students its their Final to do the Styling, make sure each students are joined in our contest to have their group tag.
➤ Each Student must have our VPC and give them our confidential code when they are in mideterm

Midterm is Sunday ~ make sure to practice and practice
Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions, trainers will assume you understand what was covered.

=Wednesday  November 23rd ,2011
Check Lists for students to be ready for their midterm tomorrow.

Time:  12:00 noon/slt NIna Brianna
~Practice the students in Styling Stage (basic formation)

Time: 3:00 noon/slt by ~ DebbieTigerfish
~Practice all students doing Beach Formation

Time:  7:00 pm/slt by Laylah Lecker
~Reveiw each students blog and bio and send a copy to each trainers for grading purposes.

Midterm is Sunday ~ make sure to practice and practice
Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions, trainers will assume you understand what was covered.
~Thursday - November 24, 2011

=Friday  November 25th ,2011
Students Styling Finale
All Students must participate in our styling event tonight
at 5:00 pm/slt

Midterm is Sunday ~ make sure to practice and practice
Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions, trainers will assume you understand what was covered.
=Saturday November 26th
All Students must blog the fashion show for midterm grade

=Sunday November 27th, 2011
All Executive Trainers must be present today for midterm.
I need each grade and comments from eacth trainers.
Blogs and bios must be destributed to all trainers for grading purposes.

=Sunday November 27th, 2011

Time : 12:00 pm/slt midtem for all October students
Midterm must be done inside the university

Please ask questions, if you don't ask any questions, trainers will assume you understand what was covered.


=====Final Semester=====

= November 28th and 29th will be final
I will be sending your schedule to take your final with me

By: 6:00 pm/slt All students midterm grades must be turn in to
Anrol Anthony

=December 2nd Friday , 2011
Event: Class of November Graduation
Time: at  5:00 pm/slt

SXYCHANEL Resident Class of November From California

LaTouri Blackheart Class of November from California

Janet Brink Class of November From New Jersey

Victoria Allegiere Class of November From Las Vegas

Sweepea Resident Class of November from Florida

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